The right nutrition for your Everesting adventure with ALPIN8

Everesting is a challenge that requires stamina, willpower and a lot of energy. You burn enormous amounts of calories and at the same time lose important nutrients through sweat. Adequate nutrition is therefore crucial to maintain your performance and prevent fatigue. Here are some tips on how you can optimize your diet for successful Everesting.

How many calories do you burn when Everesting?

On average, you burn between 10,000 and 12,000 calories on an Everesting walk. Of course, this varies from body to body and only you know best how quickly you burn calories during exercise. Either way, Everesting will require you to perform at your best and you need to provide your body with food accordingly. Listen to how you feel and just try to eat regularly.

When should you eat something when Everesting?

One thing is certain: when Everesting, you shouldn’t eat when you’re hungry, because by then it’s already too late and your body has slipped into a calorie deficit
( = “hunger pangs”). That’s not too dramatic if you’re not running for time and can take a break to recharge your batteries in peace. However, it is better to treat yourself to something to eat very regularly, perhaps even after the clock has been set. In any case, you should eat something at least after every ascent you complete, maybe a snack. even a little something in the meantime.

What should you eat when Everesting?

During Everesting, you need both slow and fast energy sources. Slow carbs like whole grains, fruits and vegetables give you long-lasting energy, while fast carbs like nuts, bars or sweets give you instant energy when you need a quick boost.

What you actually want to eat when Everesting, or what you feel like eating, varies from person to person and can also depend greatly on how many meters of altitude you have already covered.

From our own experience, we know that at the beginning you still like to eat normal things that provide long-term energy, but are also digested more slowly (sandwiches, cakes, fruit, vegetables, etc…). However, the longer you are on the road, the more unusual your wishes become and the more important it is to rely on energy sources that provide quick energy and are easy for the body to convert. Some people have a sweet tooth, others prefer savory.

To find out what suits you best, you should try out different things during your ALPIN8 preparation and listen to your body.

IMPORTANT: Your body is in a state of emergency when Everesting. It is doing something that it has probably never done before. In a certain way, it switches to “survival mode” and you should make it as easy as possible for it with your food intake: The more advanced your Everesting is, the more easily digestible foods you should eat.

Which drinks are best for Everesting?

The same applies here: listen to your body! You should definitely drink a lot, especially when it is warm and you are sweating. Drinks are also available at all our stations (water, lemonade, isotonic sports drinks, non-alcoholic beer). How about just grabbing a cup every time you pass a drinks station?

What is there to eat at ALPIN8?

We have set ourselves the goal of covering the basic requirements of 10,000 – 12,000 calories per person and have a selection of different foods on offer to achieve this. There is a selection of different things to choose from at our three own refreshment stations: Classic items such as fresh fruit, sandwiches, cakes and a huge selection of dried fruit and nuts from our partner Seeberger, as well as bars, chocolate, gummy bears, potato chips, cookies and more.

The Bistro Schmafu at the valley station provides you with Bircher muesli and fruit in the mornings. You can also get coffee at Schmafu for the entire 36 hours.

Our stations will provide enough food so that all participants can cover their calorie requirements. However, if you know that you always have an incredible craving for a certain energy bar at 02:23 in the morning, then be sure to bring it yourself 😉

(We do not offer none gels. If gels are important to you, please bring your own).


The right diet is a decisive factor for successful Everesting. By monitoring your needs during the training phase and choosing appropriate food during the ascent, you can optimize your performance and get the most out of the 8848-metre altitude challenge. Remember that everyone’s body is different, so experiment in training to find what works best for you.

Do you have any questions about nutrition? Write us an e-mail:

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