“I was afraid of my own courage!”

When Annette came across ALPIN8 Everesting while scrolling through the Internet, her first reaction was: “That’s crazy! Can that really exist? 8848 vertical meters – that can’t be serious!” But when the ad for ALPIN8 started appearing more and more frequently in her news feed, she became really curious. And she couldn’t let go of the idea of her own Everesting.
But there were also doubts. Firstly about her own performance, but also about the reaction of those around her to her plan to take part in ALPIN8. “I had the feeling that people would all think I was crazy,” she recalls. Then she writes to Anja, whom she met by chance on a run in August 2023. And Anja was immediately hooked on the idea of Everesting! She was so enthusiastic that Annette got a little nervous about what she has undertaken. “I was afraid of my own courage!”.

The two women live in East Frisia – not exactly the place you would imagine for preparing for an Everesting. No mountains, no hills, the highest point in the area is probably the dyke. But Annette and Anja have impressively demonstrated that you don’t necessarily have to train for an Everesting in the mountains!

Anja only started doing sport three and a half years ago

The two train several times a week for their Everesting. Anja says that she does sport five to six times a week. Meanwhile, she only started doing it three and a half years ago! After separating from her husband, she signed up for a gym, but she felt that 65 euros a month was too expensive to go just once a week. So she got straight into it, regularly going to the gym three to four times a week and soon started running. “I just slipped into it,” she says today.”I never used to do sport – and now I need it. Otherwise I get bored!”

Anja and Annette train together twice for their Everesting with ALPIN8 on long hikes through East Frisia at night.
In the freezing cold, they walk 60 kilometers on one of their tours and feel like they are 100 years old afterwards. “Everything just hurt”. The asphalt and walking on flat ground is exhausting for the body. Fortunately, Everesting is uphill!

The two realized that it was going to be really tough

During a joint training weekend in Oberstdorf, a few doubts arise. Annette and Anja hike 3000 meters of altitude in one day – a third of the altitude they are aiming for in ALPIN8. That’s when they realize that it’s definitely going to be tough.
But they also kept telling themselves that they would have to carry luggage now and not when Everesting, which would bring relief.

The night before the start of ALPIN8, Anja is a little nervous despite her intensive preparation. She thinks about what it will be like and asks herself lots of questions. In the end, she doesn’t sleep much and goes into the event with a sleep deficit.  

But in the end, everything works out and they hike lap after lap up the mountain! They soon realize that 36 hours will be enough time for them. They haven’t set themselves a target time, because that’s not what matters to them. The main thing is that they make it!  

It’s wonderful to be surrounded by people with the same goal!

They also find that walking uphill is much easier on their bodies than walking on the flat on asphalt. Both are fine throughout the event and are amazed at how different Everesting is compared to their preparation hike in East Frisia.

And they realize that it is simply wonderful to be surrounded by people to whom you don’t have to explain yourself, but who have the same goal in mind. 

Sometimes the two friends walk together, sometimes each of them is on her own. You meet other participants, exchange ideas and chat. “Nobody talked about the job. Or about politics or any other negative things. Everyone was optimistic and positive – it was really great!”

“At some point you switch off. Then you just keep walking.”

Neither of them find the rain too annoying and they don’t even change their socks and shoes often. Too time-consuming, just keep walking! “At some point you switch off in your head. Once you get past that point, nothing matters. Even the rain doesn’t bother you. Then you just keep going!” remembers Anja.

Annette and Anja then do the last three ascents  together again. After a short break at the valley station with coffee and fruit for breakfast, they are ready for their final ascent! Once again up the forest road, past the middle station, into the steepest section, where the trail just doesn’t want to end – the last 538 meters of altitude to their personal Mount Everest.

The highlight of the year 2024

When Annette and Anja arrive at their summit, they are in each other’s arms, smiles all over their faces! You can’t tell by looking at them that they’ve just left over 8848 meters of altitude behind them. Their faces radiate pure joy and pride. And they can be proud of their stamina, their fighting spirit and their friendship. “This experience is my highlight of 2024!” Anja sums up and Annette agrees: “Yes, I’m totally happy that we signed up and took part despite the uncertainties – it was a GREAT experience!


Text: Saskia Bauer
Photos: Sportograf, Marius Holler, private

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