General Terms and Conditions of Business and Participation

General Terms and Conditions of Business and Participation ALPIN8

§ 1 Application - Validity

(1) ALPIN8 GmbH, Bötzingerstr. 64, 79111 Freiburg, Germany, is active in the field of outdoor and extreme sports events, among others. ALPIN8 (Everesting and Everesty) is an event of ALPIN8 GmbH.

(2) These General Terms and Conditions of Business and Participation (hereinafter “GTC”) apply to all events of ALPIN8 GmbH (hereinafter “Organizer”). They are part of the contract between the organizer and the participant in the version valid at the time of registration.


§ 2 Participation requirements - safety measures

(1) Only healthy, experienced and well-trained athletes who have reached the age of 18 and are not limited in their legal capacity are eligible to participate and start.

(2) Each
Participant bears full personal responsibility for the risks involved in participation due to the nature of the event, and in particular for his/her state of health. Participants must be aware of the distance to be covered and the specifics of the event (night, cold, weather conditions such as possible snow, rain, wind, altitude, etc.) and prepare accordingly.

(3) The prerequisite for participation is the conclusion of a participation contract through proper application and registration on the website

(4) Only those who have been assigned an official start number for the event in question by the organizer may start.

(5) The instructions of the organizer and his staff must be followed without fail. In the event of violations, the organizer is entitled to exclude the participant in question from the event at any time.

(6) Each participant guarantees the organizer (strict liability) that he/she is healthy at the start and able to meet the special requirements of the race and, in particular, that he/she fulfills the following conditions:

  • Surefootedness Ability to orientate in the terrain, even without technology and even when the weather and visibility are poor.

  • Each participant must always carry and use or wear equipment and clothing appropriate for the weather.

  • The compulsory equipment during the run can be found in the participation rules.

(7) Every participant is obliged to pass the medical checkpoint (triage) in the base camp before the start and to follow the instructions of the medical staff. In case of abnormalities regarding the mental and/or physical performance, the organizer is entitled to prohibit the start or to remove the participant from the race. Admission to the run at the medical checkpoint does not entail any assumption of liability by the organizer.

(8) The Participant expressly declares and undertakes to strictly comply with the Covid 19 measures established by the Organizer and/or the competent authorities and/or by law at the time of the Event.

(9) All information and specifications contained in these General Terms and Conditions of Business and Participation (GTC) and the Rules of Participation also made available to the participant shall constitute a direct contractual obligation on the part of the participant.

§ 3 Registration - Participation Fee - Confirmation of Registration - Terms of Payment - Cancellation by the Organizer - Cancellation by the Participant - Insurance

(1) Registration takes place online on the website via the service provider linked there. The registration is binding. The contract for participation (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is concluded when the registration is completed by the Participant and the confirmation of registration is sent to the Participant by the Organizer. 

(2) The participation fees for the individual distances are: 

EVERESTING (8848 vertical meters)

> 599.00 Euro (includes 20% Austrian tax)

EVERESTY (4424 vertical meters)
> 499.00 Euro (includes 20% Austrian tax)

Payment is due in full directly at the time of registration (via the registration service provider). If the payment of the participation fee has not been received by the organizer 4 weeks after registration, the registration expires and the starting place will be released again.

(3) A transfer of the starting place to a third party is only permitted with the written consent (email is sufficient) of the organizer. If the participant wants to transfer his starting place, he has to inform the organizer via email to to report.

(4) The participant agrees to undergo the health and equipment checks ordered by the organizer.

(5) The participant is fully aware of and accepts the conditions of participation and the rules of participation. He expressly declares that he has fully read, understood and accepted all the rules, regulations and conditions contained therein. 

(6) By registering, the participant declares that he/she participates in the event at his/her own risk and that he/she is sufficiently insured against accidents (also abroad) at the time of the event. The participant indemnifies the organizer from recourse claims of his insurances.

It is strongly recommended that you take out private overseas health insurance that includes helicopter operations and repatriation transport.

(7) The participant must personally sign a liability release declaration on the day of the start of the event on the event premises and hand it over to the organizer in the original. After handing over the liability release declaration, the participant will receive his personal starting documents and his start number.

(8) ALPIN8 GmbH may extraordinarily terminate the contract with the participant with immediate effect and exclude the participant from the event/ if the continuation of the contract or the participation of the participant in the event is not reasonable for the organizer or other participants, in particular, for example, if the participant: 

– violates these GTC and/or the participation rules and instructions of the organizer before or during the event. 

– permanently disrupts the event or endangers himself or others. 

– does not follow the instructions of the organizer or his employees. 

In the event of extraordinary termination by the organizer for one of the aforementioned reasons, the organizer retains the right to the participation fee, provided that the participant is responsible for the reason for termination.

(9) Cancellation of the contract by the participant is only possible under the following conditions: 

– Cancellation of the contract by the participant can only be made in writing or by e-mail.

– Cancellation fees will not be refunded. We therefore recommend that you take out ticket or travel insurance.  

– A sale of the booked starting place to a third party is not permitted. 

(10) Since the start numbers are personalized, passing them on to third parties is only permitted to the organizer, but not to the participant.

(11) It is recommended to take out private travel cancellation insurance. It is also advised to take out insurance with mountain rescue.


§ 4 Cancellation, interruption or cancellation of the event - non-attendance

(1) In the event of cancellation or discontinuation of the event due to an external event that could not be foreseen and could not be averted by the organizer even by exercising the utmost reasonable care (“force majeure”, e.g. for reasons of weather or if the mountain railroad restricts or discontinues operation completely or on individual sections of the route or if legal regulations or measures taken by an authority for health protection make the cancellation or discontinuation necessary), as well as in the event that the participant does not attend the event without having made a cancellation in accordance with these GTC, the participant has no right to a refund of the participation fee and also no right to compensation for other costs or damages such as travel or accommodation costs.

(2) The organizer can cancel the event up to 6 weeks before the start of the event. Registered participants will be informed immediately of the cancellation and will be refunded the participation fee paid.

§ 5 Disclaimer

(1) Claims for damages by the participant against the organizer, for whatever legal reason, are excluded. This does not apply insofar as the organizer, his legal representatives or vicarious agents have caused damage due to injury to life, body or health intentionally or negligently or have caused other damage intentionally or grossly negligently or for damage due to a breach of essential contractual obligations by the organizer.

(2) The organizer assumes no liability for health risks of the participant in connection with participation in this event. The participant declares and guarantees bindingly to the organizer by signing the liability release declaration that there are no health concerns against his participation and that his conditional performance level corresponds to the requirements of such an alpine endurance event. The participant is responsible for the completeness and functionality of his equipment and guarantees this to the organizer.

(3) The organizer assumes no liability towards the participant for lost valuables, clothing, equipment and food.

(4) If the participant or the organizer commissions third parties at the participant’s instigation, e.g. alerts rescue services, the costs incurred as a result are to be borne by the participant.

§ 6 Data protection - photo/film/interview recordings

(1) Personal data of the participant will only be collected and processed insofar as they are required for the preparation and further processing of the event (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO) or if the participant has given his consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). The personal data of the participant will not be disclosed to third parties. Excluded from this is exclusively the disclosure to event-related or IT service providers and to third parties engaged for the execution of the contract and the event in the context of the contract and event processing. Personal data is deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage becomes obsolete. Participants have the right to obtain information at any time about the data collected and processed by the operator and the purpose of processing. Furthermore, they have the right to revoke their consent to the collection, processing and use of their data at any time without giving reasons with effect for the future. If participants wish to object to the collection, processing or use of data for electronic mailing, they can send their objection informally to the organizer. If personal data is no longer required for contract processing, participants can have their data blocked, corrected or deleted at any time. The right to deletion does not exist if there are legal or contractual obligations to retain data. The same applies if, without the existence of a revocation or objection, the data is required for the establishment, content or amendment of a contract and for the processing of electronic correspondence and must be stored for these purposes.

(2) By registering, the participant agrees to the storage, processing and forwarding of data for the purpose of implementing the contract and the event. In addition, the participant agrees to the disclosure of his personal data for the purpose of sending photos produced by a company commissioned by the organizer. However, the participant does not hereby declare at the same time that he/she wishes to purchase such a photo.

(3) The participant agrees that photos, film recordings and interviews taken in connection with his/her participation in the event, on which he/she can be seen or heard, may be published on radio, television, the Internet, print media, books, social media (e.g. on the organizer’s homepage and event website as well as on third-party pages and platforms (incl. Facebook, Instagram, komoot, YouTube, etc.) both by the organizer and by third parties (such as sponsors of the organizer and contractual partners in connection with the organization and implementation of the event) without entitlement to remuneration. may be published, distributed and publicly reproduced and made accessible for advertising purposes.

(4) By providing the e-mail address, the participant agrees that ALPIN8 GmbH may use it to send him/her information about the event and subsequent events.

§ 7 Applicable law, place of jurisdiction

The contractual relationship between the organizer and the participant shall be governed exclusively by German law. 

The place of jurisdiction for disputes arising from the contract concluded with the participant regarding participation in the event is, to the extent permitted by law, Freiburg im Breisgau.

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